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13 / Bukit View Secondary .
I came from an outer space which is filled with water. I learnt swimming at the age of zero.
I wail like a baby.I fly like superman,I crawl like spiderman.
I drive like batman,I live in wonderland. Tinkerbell is my Friend,so is peter pan :D
I also hate being the chairman.
I'm a fan of Jeff Hardy & Liverpool FC :)



Shahriar | Jewelle | Afiqah | Nhita | Nabil | Yanling | Javeed | Zoei | Megan | Kenneth |


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yo 2 evry1,EXAMS ARE JUST OVER!!!!!!HURRAY!!!!!!!ART WAS our last 1 and wats there 2 study?nothin.I drewn picasso in Mummty dummty way wear B.V.S.S uniform since they ask 4 catoon form of picasso even Mr Gan(our form teacher) laughed.Felt soPRoud........At that day, I ,sai ,akarapu,nhita,affiqah n jobie when 2 see movie at 4 at west mall.We wanted 2 see ether uninvited(ghost movie)or angel n demons.it was decided in a coin toss,it was uninvited.Sai was super scared.finally forcing him2 came.unexpected thins happen JOEI CHU CALLLED ME ASKING ME 2 GO 2 BOWLING BUT I COULDNT SOOO SAD.And i saw mathan ,jeeva,nakulan,(sec2 in same pri sch)going 2 the same movie.when the scary parts he would cover it with his jack.haha lol.finally i pulled his jack away from him.he was freaked out.here was abit of blood there when sai said soo violence the movie i could not stop luaghing wat a bastard.after the movie we just relax around..THANKS GUYS!!!PEPOLE WHO WANT THERE LINKE 2 BE ADDED OR CHANGED PLZ CONTACT ME THROUGH PHONE 98407578 OR BY MSN hardys_gokul@ U KNOW THAT IT IS HOTMAIL K I WILL BE IN MSN IF U GUYS NEED ME.

You'll Never Walk Alone.3:05 AM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sry,2 all my fans vry long nvr post(got good reason)EXAM!!!!!!EVERYTHING FINSHEd accept english paper 2 art n dnt.GUYS wait no more i will try 2 post evertime i get the chane so stay tunned and DONT SPAM MY CBOX!!!!!!!!!some1 teach me how 2 put more sings in my blog plz

You'll Never Walk Alone.10:15 PM

YO!POST AFTER LONG TIME. Got a lot of things happen in this week.Like USUAL evey1 throws Sai s pencil case around and making fun of shariar.I think i m not a good chairman as i cant keep the class quiet, plus they think me as a friend instead of a CM. I lazy go post lah!!!sooo much hw tutions .Sian!!Plus Zoei Lim force me 2 post .During P.E I zhen yi nabil and ben 10 ran together 4 2.4 run(l got 12.37 7 sec off A)=( So sad.Which toot go invent exams??? i wan 2 kill him. got MT exam 1 and 2 in the same day like WTF . i did not know wat 2 write 4 correction tape in tamil and i told the teacher and class about wat i wrote every1 laughed soooo paisahi. We were singing songs in tamil class cauz exam over.i sang lik a pro=)


You'll Never Walk Alone.10:13 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

HELLO people who r visiting me blog.Welcome,wat a week i had for starters there was a WWE draft(in which wrestlers change brands)Lucky J eff did not go ecw nor raw but still smackdown got good stars drafted lik the biggest little man(rey mysterio) and mr money in the bank(cm punk).HAHA

Wat a sad day for liverpool as they lost 2 chelsea in aggrigate but still liverpool will win the primier league.(prayin day n night)Shariar send me some nic wrestling pics but his phone was convisticated my his father as his bills were high(LOL).NVM.In track n field (my cca)i got a cool FBT t-shirt(OMG).It was owsume.Later some T rack n filed members played cathing it was fun when playing with bigger and faster people.I n Nabil decided 2 play cathing thinking it would work but it was a disaster as hecheating without tagging he ran so he became the catcher but he wasn't good at it(he got angry).He ws holding his throat as if it was inqured he said he got asma.Then ZHEN YI SAID NICE ACTING and i could not stop laughing .He was super angry with us. Later in thursday we were playing soccer he took it 2000 seriously!ever1 wanted 2 scold WTF.i piece of advise 2 sharair RELAXXXX MAN!!!!!!!!

Exams are near=( got 2 study soo much.Stressed lah.Whole class plus he were playing trusth or dare even in the Nafa.I DON WAN 2 TALK ABOUT nafa i think i did not score up 2 my expectation and every1 was making fun of sharar as he cheated by saying he did 50 SIT UP THEN ZHEN YI MADE A JOKE FOR MORE FUNNY THAN ANTHING but i cant tell you guys.I met Martin in Macdonals. he my pri school friend bvss normal. he still funny.

Speech day wat a boring day were there was a fasion show made out of dustbin done by sec2 and paint the bin by use but ower class did not win 1E4 won they deserve 2 win while we also lost in the notice board decoration 1N3 won but we got 2 leave early.I Iqbal Munho Zhen yi went 2 Javeed house butAdam could not come along.We played KING OF FIGHTER AND WWE(soo fun)


You'll Never Walk Alone.3:30 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009

Yo guys,It was a heck of a WrestleMania Event(a event in which is very prestigious).I only sad thing is that the best,daring,super JEFF HARDY lost 2 his brother matt=( he iz such a selfish asshole.In the Money in the Bank match(8-man try 2 get a briefcase in the air using a ladder which contains a ladder that u can fight any champion any time,date,event)Cm Punk won again 2 times in a row.He is my fav 2 win it.Triple H won Randy Ortan(expected).Rey Mysterio won JBLin 21sec wat a SHOCKER(haha jbl).Sorelooser jbl quit wwe.The best is when Undertaker win Hbk as UNDERTAKER nvr lost 16times in wm and made it 17(PRO)John Cena won Edge n Big Show.

On Earth Day,we were 2 off all the lights from8.30 2 9.30. I found it Lame as no1 off their lights we did not play a big part lik other countries.
On thurs,there was school .So much hw as got good fri.Nhita,Javeed,zoei did the his project but i nvr did anything, it was a movie the song 4 it was exellent Adam sent nhita the song.I felt a bit gulity as i did not do anything at all but i got the marks thanks 2 them.The last 2 period was ms Sivas Period,got relief teacher(wat a fucker)i was sweeping the floor so if put the fan 2 (1)speed after sweeping i forgot 2 put the fan speed 2 (3)i was going 2 put it when the teacher asked he 2 go out the class becauz of walking(WTF)while walking the teacher asked 4 the class chairman so i walked back hence the whole class laughed (sooo paisai).Many others got punished 2 including shariar


You'll Never Walk Alone.12:32 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sorry no time to post.Too busy larh...
On April fool's day......we tricked all the people who came after me say that sai expelled from school because of smokiing. HAHA some people like Wei Xuan fell for the trick.LOL!!!! then later found that this trick very boring so started telling people that they never zip thier pants, but we soon found out that shahriar actually never zp his pants.HAHA!!! Nabil was the first one who found out that shahriar never zip his pants. then it spreaded between me, adam and hamizan and we started telling the whole class about it.LOL!!! Then later shahriar found out and got really mad. After assembly come back aidil wrote shahriar love nhita on the classboard and he got really mad at it again.It was indeed fun bullying shahriar.(no offence)

7th april
today got PE at the indoor sports hall then later all the boys found out that shahriar actually never wear underwear then shahriar very paiseh...LOL!!!then javeed told us say that he told the hockey seniors then they go pull down his pants, found out that he really never wear his underwear.HAHA!!!He so paiseh...(i dunno if real but i thnk its true)

You'll Never Walk Alone.6:03 PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yo last saturday was Javeeds Bday party.There was me nabilah(nabil),old chang kee(zhen yi),fatty manoj,sherwin,ibrahim,nhita,afiqah.jobie,lavanya(xtra),zeenath was there it was a blast!We ate kfc chicken and pizza.All thoz loosers who nvr come are jealous.There was a psp match in pes09 but my psp did nt hv it=(Later we played soccer in the car park and chated around thks Javeed for the Bday party.Adam could not come as he went JB.Sharair had BENGOLI classes HAHA. Tuesday,i went for the xtra track n field training it was so intense i felt lik dieing firstly the teacher was crazy.OMG.This is a vidoe about the sai earlier mensioneb trying 2 climb the slope.he though he was though lik nabil who climbed it.SRY 4 the blur image as it was taken by shariar who hab the same phone as mine and sam colour.(F.U.C.K)Enjoy the video!!! Lastly som1 did somthing 2 jewelles phone when she went 2 health check^.Bastard Shariar said i was the 1 who did it but i gt evidence i did not do it my good friends adam zheng yi ben iqdal.I think it was sharair as i SPreaded the news of his unzipped shorts.The whole class laughed.He only shouted at me as other peole also say nabil was the 1 who started it but shariar did not scold him as shariar acted 2 be a true friend 2 nabil(what a poor acters he was)If he has a problem n falsely accuse me(he has 2 control his anger).What is his Problem *****End*****

You'll Never Walk Alone.7:16 AM